Shin Megami Tensei IV DLC Is For Busy People Who Dont Have Time To Level Up
Added: 31.05.2013 13:17 | 16 views | 0 comments
Shin Megami Tensei IVs second round of DLC has quests that make earning macca (thats money in the Megaten universe) and app points easier.
| Shin Megami Tensei IV takes first place in Japans sales chart
Added: 30.05.2013 10:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
Shin Megami Tensei IV, the latest game in Atlus Megami Tensei game series has topped the Japanese games charts for the week of May 20. Shin Megami was released on May 23 making triumphent sales in just a few days.
| Shin Megami Tensei IV hits first place on Japan sales chart
Added: 30.05.2013 7:59 | 24 views | 0 comments
3DS RPG from Persona 4 developer Atlus sells 188,562 copies, followed by new Kamen Rider game and Resident Evil: Revelations port.
Atlus' latest game in the Megami Tensei series, Shin Megami Tensei IV, was received well in Japan when it was released on May 23.
The game was at number one on the recent update for the week of May 20, with 188,562 units sold. The RPG beat out new releases in the top 10, such as PS3 action game Kamen Rider: Battride War (128,659 units sold) and the PS3 version of Resident Evil: Revelations (102,673 units sold).
Shin Megami Tensei IV will be out in North American markets on July 16. Check out the of games for the week of May 20 below.
Rank / Title / Publisher / System / Sales Unit
1) Shin Megami Tensei IV / Atlus / 3DS / 188,562
2) Kamen Rider: Battride War / Namco Bandai / PS3 / 128,659
3) Resident Evil: Revelations / Capcom / PS3 / 102,673
4) Friend Collection: New Life / Nintendo / 3DS / 59,876
5) Valhalla Knights 3 / Marvelous AQL / PS Vita / 40,357
6) Terraria / Spike Chunsoft / PS3 / 19,861
7) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon / Nintendo / 3DS / 19,079
8) Animal Crossing: New Leaf / Nintendo / 3DS / 15,489
9) Summon Night 5 / Namco Bandai / PSP / 13,624
10) Resident Evil: Revelations / Capcom / Wii U / 8,398
Tags: Resident, Capcom, Nintendo, Vita, Daly, North, Salon, Jump, Japan, Live, American, Shop, Rage, Publisher, Most, Spicy, Dark Moon, Revelations, Namco, Chevy, Terraria, Night, Titan, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami, Animal, Persona, Bandai, Summer, System, Crossing, Leaf, Animal Crossing, New Leaf, Crossing New
| Shin Megami Tensei IV Storms to Number One in Japanese Charts
Added: 29.05.2013 16:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Wii U version of Resident Evil Revelations sneaks into top ten
Tags: Evil, Resident Evil, Resident, Japanese, Shop, Evil Revelations, Revelations, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami
| Japanese Sales: Wii-U In Quicksand, Vita Doesn't Mean Life, Everything Doomed, Fire All Of The Things
Added: 29.05.2013 15:41 | 26 views | 0 comments

Valhalla Knights 3 apparently provided even less than the "modest" Vita sales blip I predicted. Here are Japan's top 20 best-selling games for the week ending May 26. It's a great debut for the game, but the Vita as a platform needs more than one game in a month. VH3 represents its one and only.
1. Shin Megami Tensei IV - 3DS (188,562)
2. Kamen Rider Battride War - PS3 (128,659)
3. Biohazard Revelations - PS3 (102,673)
4. Friend Collection - 3DS (59,876)
5. Valhalla Knights 3 - PSV (40,357)
6. Terraria - PS3 (19,861)
7. Luigi's Mansion 2 - 3DS (19,079)
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS (15,489)
9. Summon Night 5 - PSP (13,624)
10. Biohazard Revelations - WIU (8,398)
11. Biohazard Revelations - 360 (7,053)
12. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - PS3 (5,334)
13. Taiko Drum Master Continues to Not Give a Fuuuck - Wii (5,190)
14. Z/X: Zillions of Enemy, By Which They Probably Mean EnemIES But Hey - PS3 (5,019)
15. Dragon Ball Heroes - 3DS (4,105)
16. Tamagochi: Still Popular Here - 3DS (3,961)
17. New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 3DS (3,517)
18. MuvLuv Alternative: Total Eclipse - PS3 (3,138)
19. Mario Kart 7 - 3DS (3,045)
20. Monster Hunter Tri-G - 3DS (2,612)
Hardware totals look like this:
3DS - 54,710
PS3 - 13,318
PSV - 12,171
PSP - 5,749
WIU - 5,648
WII - 1,192
360 - 382
Comrade Bras will share my disappointment that the 360 once again finished so close to, well, 360. We're all waiting for el dia muy especial. Which of course, is Spanish for "the dia very especial."
Tags: Mario, Vita, Heroes, Daly, Japanese, While, Help, Shop, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Ball, Bros, Master, Mega, Fire, Spanish, Drop, Super Mario, Give, Collection, Dragon, Mansion, Revelations, Still, Karl, Terraria, Night, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami, Animal, Arisen, Dark Arisen, Summer, Crossing, Leaf, Animal Crossing, New Leaf, Crossing New
| Destructoid-Devilish delight: Shin Megami Tensei IV hands-on
Added: 28.05.2013 17:17 | 16 views | 0 comments
DT:Here's the deal: Shin Megami Tensei IV is sharp looking, deep, lengthy (over 40 hours), and fully portable. It appears to be a full-blown RPG, and not an abbreviated experience for portability's sake. It's got fantastic music, eye-catching artwork, and top-notch voice work to boot. That's all great. But most importantly, it's the direct continuation of the core Shin Megami series -- something fellow fans have been waiting for.
| GameInformer- Shin Megami Tensei IV Hands-On Preview
Added: 28.05.2013 0:17 | 24 views | 0 comments
GI:After playing the opening of Shin Megami Tensei IV, I can already tell the journey is deeper than what you see on the surface. Thought-provoking premonitions start the adventure, with two distinct characters offering me different paths. Walter urges me to make a world where anything can be changed with will. Jonathan, on the other hand, wants me to choose everlasting peace. Suddenly, a vision of a girl begging for revival flashes in, and I'm left to ponder its meaning. Tragedy? Power? Heroics? Anything is possible in the dark SMT universe, and the fourth installment shows promise of continuing the series' pristine legacy.
| Shin Megami Tensei IV The Samurai Way Trailer (HD)
Added: 24.05.2013 13:18 | 11 views | 0 comments
The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a city of the chosen, sitting on high and protected all around by towering walls. Yet its people are at risk from an ongoing demon threat that the player as a newly appointed Samurai are duty-bound to fight against. Throughout the player's journey, they must choose their own path. The choices will affect them, other NPCs, and the overall outcome of the story. Decisions players make throughout the course of the story will have lasting repercussions, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
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